Reviews and testimonials by Neon Models Customers

I just wanted to say thank you. After attempting to ring ever since I left the test shoot, only to be met by voicemail( it may seem strange, but I dislike leaving voicemail messages) I decided to email you instead. I feel so lucky for you to have had so much confidence and faith in me, and I probably would never pursued a career in modelling if it weren’t for you. I thought you might like to see some of the photos from the shoot, since you so enthusiastic, so I’m leaving you the link to my web folio. I just wanted to say a big thank you, I am very grateful to you for all your help.


Jennifer Lynch


Watch the Neon Models Video on Youtube


Hi Neon Models,

Thank you for the chance for my daughter Megan , She had a lovely day and her pictures are amazing.

Kind Regards

Jason Grace


Follow Neon Models on Pinterest


I am the parent of Aaliyah Fullerton and would first like to say a big thank you to Neon Models for picking her photo and would also like to say thank you to Krypton Studios for their lovely hospitality and kind words.The experience was so nice the hair and make up stylist’s were amazing also aaliyah was happy she had a so much fun and the photographer Made aaliyah feel so comfortable they are really good at whatthey do  overall experience was 10/10 so again from me and aaliyah thank you.


 Check out the Neon Models Blog!


my shoot was warsome i love it an i will like to take lot my photos and work with you guys was the best experience in my life if an rateing and giving 10 over 10 thank your for my opportunity and you have make dreams come true james i appreciate it..









How to join a modelling agency by Neon Models

Modelling agencies get hundreds of applications from aspiring models, so how can you make sure you give yourself the best chance of being noticed and signed?

Choose your agency carefullyPortrait of a beautiful businesswoman

These days there are many different types of modelling and many different types of modelling agencies to meet all those requirements. The largest agencies will cater for everything from fashion shows to catalogues to TV commercials on an international basis, but smaller agencies will specialise and may be a better bet, especially if you don’t have classic model looks, aren’t so tall or are looking for alternative or body part modelling.

Read the guidelines

You might be surprised how many people don’t read the modelling agencies’ guidelines. This is just a silly mistake that can be easily avoided, and if you’re careful to make sure you follow their guidelines you can save yourself a lot of wasted effort and rejection. Most modelling agencies will specify if they work with males and females and what ages. Also, if they have minimum requirements such as height. Ignore their guidelines at your peril!

Use decent quality photos to apply

All genuine modelling agencies will ask you to send a snapshot that they can assess to see if they want to meet you for an interview to see if they’d like to sign you to their books. While you don’t have to spend a fortune on these pictures, if you send in something in bad light taken on your mobile phone, they’re likely to throw them out without looking properly. So, try to get access to a decent camera (and someone who knows how to use it), and make sure the pictures are taken in good light (preferably natural light) and show you clearly and looking relaxed.

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Mother Modelling Agencies explained by Neon models

A mother modelling agency is not an agency for mothers! Though their models may well be mothers…

So what is a mother modelling agency?

You may be surprised to hear that there are many different kinds of modelling agencies, and Neon Models is familiar with all of them.International Businesspeople
No, a mother modelling agency is basically a middle-man, that acts like an agent for a model to get a contract with a modelling agency. So, if you want to join a modelling agency, you may first try to join a mother modelling agency.

Although it’s not their main role, mother modelling agencies may help a model find work while they are seeking a contract with a regular agency. This will help build up the model’s portfolio, experience and skills, which will make them more attractive to the agents.

If you go through a mother modelling agency you will have a much better chance of getting your foot in the door than if you try to go directly.

That’s because the mother modelling agency will assess you for suitability and then approach their contacts in a range of agencies to see if they might be interested in signing you. They will work hard to promote you, including creating marketing materials and schmoozing their long standing contacts.

A mother modelling agency may help you get non-exclusive contracts with a number of agencies, that may cover different countries, regions or even types (such as body part, fashion show or catalogue).

They might even help train new models, teaching them what to expect from the industry and from modelling agencies and familiarising them with contracts, their rights and how to stay safe.

If you want to learn more about the insider secrets of modelling agencies, then visit the Neon Models website.

Neon Models Guide to Superfoods

If you want to be a successful model, then you’re body is your temple.

Models need to have flawless skin and perfect figures, and that means taking good care of yourself.Mix of dried fruit

There are no shortcuts to good health, and the most important things are eating a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding toxins and getting plenty of sleep. And if you want to take care of your skin – stay out of the sun! For more tips and advice on being model perfect, click here.

In this article we’re going to look at the diet side of things, or more specifically – superfoods. What are superfoods, and which ones should you look out for

What are superfoods?

Superfoods is a term used to describe certain foods that have particularly strong or effective health benefits and may even help with some medical conditions. They may be able to help with everything from warding off heart disease, cancer and obesity.



Blueberries are one of the most well known superfoods, and are packed with anti-oxidants and phytoflavinoids. They are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Frozen blueberries are just as good as fresh, and about ½ a cup a day should give you great health benefits.

Omega 3 rich fish

Fish has long been known as ‘brain food’ and as well as there being some evidence that it can help stave off memory loss and Alzheimer’s, it may also be able to help avoid depression.
Wild salmon, herrings, sardines and mackerel are the best – but if you really can’t stand fish, you can get the same kind of benefits from fortified eggs, flax seed and walnuts.


Since ancient times, tea has been thought of as the miracle drink, and has been said to cure all manner of ailments over the centuries. Green tea in particular has been shown to be associated with lower cholesterol and the inhibition of cancer cells. But of course, it still has caffeine, so don’t overdo it!

Want to learn more about modelling and how to keep healthy for the camera? Click here!

Neon Models Modelling FAQ

Neon Models helps new models take their first steps in the industry, so we’ve written this article to answer some of the most frequently asked questions that come up for new models we meet.

What are the minimum physical requirements for becoming a model?

It varies depending on the kind of modelling you’re doing and the agency you want to sign with. For fashion show catwalk modelling only the tallest models will be accepted, so unless you’re startlingly tall, you will struggle to break into this area. However, catalogue and commercial modelling has slightly more relaxed requirements and there is always the option of petite modelling. There are no specific weight or bust requirements for a model – a teen model will have different statistic to an underwear model and a sports model will be different again.

How much can I earn as a model?Fingers Holding Penny Above Stack of Pennies

Unfortunately there’s no easy answer to this, but as a general rule, brand new models earn slightly over the minimum wage, and the more experience you get, the higher salary you can command. If you have several years’ experience and a bulging portfolio, then you could make thousands of pounds for just a day’s work.
But there are other perks as well as money, including being able to keep clothing and other items, and travelling the world.

Is it easy to become a model?

No, it’s not. There are many people who would like to be a model, so competition is fierce and many people will face disappointment. That’s why it’s so important to be realistic, and if you are sure that you have a genuine chance, then don’t give up too easily. Even the most successful models faced rejection at some point.

Have all your modelling questions answered by Neon Models – register on our website today!

Three steps to making it as a professional model

Take care of yourself


The first step to becoming a model is to make sure you’ve got a model quality body. That means great skin, healthy, toned shape and glossy hair. Making yourself physically perfect involves getting enough sleep every night (this is much more important than you might think!) eating a healthy balanced diet with plenty of green vegetables, drinking lots of water, avoiding toxins such as coffee and chocolate and avoiding the sun.

Learn about the types of modelling and which one you want to do

There are many different types of modelling and it’s important to find the type that will be best suited to your body type and personality. If you’re very tall and have a lot of flexibility in your schedule, you might want to consider catwalk modelling at fashion shows. If you’ve got more of a girl or boy next door kind of a look, then catalogue modelling might be more appropriate, and if you don’t meet the standard look, you might be suitable for petite, plus-size or alternative modelling.

Be professional

It’s many people’s dream to become a model, but it’s important to be realistic and down to earth if you’re going to make a success of it. While modelling can be very satisfying and glamorous, it also involves good organisation and the ability to respond quickly and be flexible. You need to be willing to travel at short notice to attend castings and models have to look fresh and happy, even if they’re been travelling for long hours.

If you follow these steps, you’ll give yourself a much better chance of success in the modelling industry. To find out more, register on our website.

Modelling Jobs

So, you’d like to become a model, but you don’t really know what’s involved in modelling jobs?

Well, almost all modelling jobs start with a casting (unless you’re a household name like Kate Moss or Claudia Schiffer). This is where several models are invited to be viewed and possibly interviewed by the client, and there may be some test shots. Based on the casting, the client will select his preferred models for the final shoot.Photography

On the day of the shoot, the model will have instructions about whether to come ‘clean’ faced or made up, and whether he or she should bring any particular types of clothing or accessories. On arrival, if it’s a big shoot, there could be a whole team available to dress and style the model, including hairdresser, make-up artist and stylist.

Modelling jobs can be in studios or on location. Everything is much easier to control in dedicated studios, whereas if shoots are on location, there can be a lot of unexpected factors to contend with, such as the weather.

Once the shoot starts, the model is expected to respond quickly to instructions and also use his or her own initiative to find the perfect shot for the product. They should try out many different poses and expressions, and use the props in imaginative ways.

Even if the shoot goes on for some time, the model has to stay fresh looking. There may be many changes of outfit, or lots of waiting around, but whatever happens the model is expected to act professionally and be able to turn on the smile or smouldering sultry look on demand.

Each modelling job is different and may be at a different location, go on for a varying length of time (from a few hours to a whole week) and each modelling job will pay differently.

Modelling jobs are waiting for you!

Register with Neon Models!

How to walk the catwalk – a guide by Neon Models

If you want to be a fashion model, you need to know how to strut your stuff on the catwalk – without falling over!

Neon Models has written this guide which explains how professional models walk the catwalk.

The first thing to do is get your posture right. That means standing up straight with your head held high and looking straight ahead. Your face should be pointing forward and not to either side. Your expression should be neutral, no big grins or moody scowls!Baby Steps

Your shoulders should be relaxed and slightly back, but don’t stick your chest out too much. There should be no slouching or hunching of the shoulders.

When you begin to walk, your arms should swing naturally as you move, but you don’t need to swing them back and forth too much. If the outfit has pockets you may want to put your hands in them, but don’t tense your arms when you do so.

As you move, try to keep your body as still as possible and not move from side to side or bob up and down. Lead slightly with your hips rather than your chest, but don’t sashay dramatically.

Your feet is where you will want to focus most of your attention, as this is the most different from normal walking. When you walk the catwalk, imagine there is a line down the middle and you have to place your feet exactly on the line, not to either side of it. If you want a slightly more dramatic look, you may place your feet on the other side of the line, so they cross over each other. Be careful not to trip over your own ankles though!

Once you reach the end of the catwalk, it’s customary to strike a pose – now you can be as dramatic as you like. Jut your hips out to one side and then the other, placing your hands on your hips. If you’re wearing a jacket, you may want to slip it off and swing it over one shoulder for full effect.

Great, now you’re ready for the Milan or Pairs fashion shows!

If you’d like to find out how Neon Models can help you become a catwalk model, then register on our site.

Neon Models Guide to Becoming a Model

Lots of people want to become a model, but some are more successful than others. Neon Models explains the right steps to take to give yourself the best chance of finding success as a model.

Step One – Decide if you really want to be a modelTraveler Checking Watch

Think about the reasons for wanting to become a model, and though it might be hard, try to assess yourself realistically for model potential. Are you taller than average, do you have exceptionally clear skin and are you photogenic?

Step Two – do some research

Read up on the industry, what’s expected from you and what you can expect. Find out about the major modelling agencies, how they work, where they’re based and what their guidelines are like. You can also contact a modelling support company such as Neon Models, who can give you an independent assessment for modelling potential and help you put together an action plan.

Step Three – Make sure you have support

If you’re under eighteen, then you can’t be a model without your parent’s consent, so you need to discuss it with them, and make sure they’re on side. The chances are they’ll probably get as excited about the idea as you, and will help you on your way.

Step Four – Submit your photos to an agency

Read their guidelines carefully and make sure you follow them to the letter and don’t forget anything. Then you’ll have to wait to see what they say. It’s fine to submit to a few agencies at once, but only do as many as you’ll be able to take rejections. Rejection is part of life for a model, and no reason to give up too soon.

Step Five – Be professional

If you’re lucky enough to get invited in for an interview, then try to stay calm and just be yourself. If you’re under eighteen your guardian will need to go with you. Answer all the interviewers questions honestly, and try not to babble. If they offer you a contract then check it our carefully and read the small print. 

Love fashion and modelling? Visit our main site and Neon Models.

Teen Modelling

There is always a lot of demand for new teen models as the current ones get older and move into the adult brackets. The teen model bracket is usually considered to be between the ages of 12 and 17 years.

Teen modelling work is available across all kinds of formats from glossy magazines to billboards to TV adverts to catalogues and these days even stock photography for websites.Asian, Latino, African American teen girl portrait

The teen  market is a very major section which companies are keen to target, and each ‘type’ of teen needs to be represented. That means that as well as the standard modelling work for attractive, fresh faced, tall models there will be work for petite models, plus-size models and alternative models, who may have tattoos or be more unusual looking.

Many child models follow a natural progression into teen models, but also lots of teenagers decide they’d like to try modelling and take their first steps in the industry at this time.

Teenagers who are considering trying to become a model need to make sure they have the right attitude and realistic expectations.

The Right Attitude

Not all teenagers fit the stereotype of being grumpy and stroppy, but there is definitely no space for that kind of attitude when it comes to modelling. Modelling is a professional and requires a professional attitude. Paying clients are not going to be willing to waste their time with temper tantrums.

Realistic expectations

The modelling industry is tough and very competitive and those who think they can just fall into it and make pots of money have got disappointment waiting down the line. Aspiring models need to be willing to invest time and energy in getting their foot in the door, and they have to be thicked skinned to deal with the inevitable early rejections.

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