Child Modelling

Many parents consider child modelling as a way to spend time with their child, expose them to some new experiences, and maybe save up a little money for a college fund or perhaps to go towards a house deposit one day.
So how can you tell if your child has got what it takes to be a model?
Well, the most important thing to know is that personality is far more important than actual features. We don’t judge children by the same kinds of beauty standards that we do adults, but we are drawn to happy, bubbly children.
So if your child is outgoing and full of sunny smiles, then child modelling might be a possibility. If so, you should get a few test shots to get an initial idea of how they come across in pictures.
A photographic studio is not the most natural place for a child and it can be quite a stressful environment for some children. However, others thrive on the attention and love meeting new people, posing and playing with the props.baby1
The only way you’re going to find out if your child enjoys the experience of modelling is to try it, and either get a test shoot or have a session in a professional photographic studio. It may be better to do it this way than go through the process of signing up to an agency and not discovering that your child gets camera shy until you’ve got a paid job and there’s too much riding on it.
If you think your child could be a model, then remember, the photos have to be very up to date that you send to modelling agencies for review – assuming g you’re not going freelance. Children change very quickly, so portfolio pictures have to be updated much more rapidly than with adult models – sometimes every few months.


If you want a helping hand as you launch your modelling career, then register on the Neon Models website.

Mother Modelling Agencies explained by Neon models

A mother modelling agency is not an agency for mothers! Though their models may well be mothers…

So what is a mother modelling agency?

You may be surprised to hear that there are many different kinds of modelling agencies, and Neon Models is familiar with all of them.International Businesspeople
No, a mother modelling agency is basically a middle-man, that acts like an agent for a model to get a contract with a modelling agency. So, if you want to join a modelling agency, you may first try to join a mother modelling agency.

Although it’s not their main role, mother modelling agencies may help a model find work while they are seeking a contract with a regular agency. This will help build up the model’s portfolio, experience and skills, which will make them more attractive to the agents.

If you go through a mother modelling agency you will have a much better chance of getting your foot in the door than if you try to go directly.

That’s because the mother modelling agency will assess you for suitability and then approach their contacts in a range of agencies to see if they might be interested in signing you. They will work hard to promote you, including creating marketing materials and schmoozing their long standing contacts.

A mother modelling agency may help you get non-exclusive contracts with a number of agencies, that may cover different countries, regions or even types (such as body part, fashion show or catalogue).

They might even help train new models, teaching them what to expect from the industry and from modelling agencies and familiarising them with contracts, their rights and how to stay safe.

If you want to learn more about the insider secrets of modelling agencies, then visit the Neon Models website.

Neon Models Guide to Superfoods

If you want to be a successful model, then you’re body is your temple.

Models need to have flawless skin and perfect figures, and that means taking good care of yourself.Mix of dried fruit

There are no shortcuts to good health, and the most important things are eating a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding toxins and getting plenty of sleep. And if you want to take care of your skin – stay out of the sun! For more tips and advice on being model perfect, click here.

In this article we’re going to look at the diet side of things, or more specifically – superfoods. What are superfoods, and which ones should you look out for

What are superfoods?

Superfoods is a term used to describe certain foods that have particularly strong or effective health benefits and may even help with some medical conditions. They may be able to help with everything from warding off heart disease, cancer and obesity.



Blueberries are one of the most well known superfoods, and are packed with anti-oxidants and phytoflavinoids. They are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Frozen blueberries are just as good as fresh, and about ½ a cup a day should give you great health benefits.

Omega 3 rich fish

Fish has long been known as ‘brain food’ and as well as there being some evidence that it can help stave off memory loss and Alzheimer’s, it may also be able to help avoid depression.
Wild salmon, herrings, sardines and mackerel are the best – but if you really can’t stand fish, you can get the same kind of benefits from fortified eggs, flax seed and walnuts.


Since ancient times, tea has been thought of as the miracle drink, and has been said to cure all manner of ailments over the centuries. Green tea in particular has been shown to be associated with lower cholesterol and the inhibition of cancer cells. But of course, it still has caffeine, so don’t overdo it!

Want to learn more about modelling and how to keep healthy for the camera? Click here!

How to walk the catwalk – a guide by Neon Models

If you want to be a fashion model, you need to know how to strut your stuff on the catwalk – without falling over!

Neon Models has written this guide which explains how professional models walk the catwalk.

The first thing to do is get your posture right. That means standing up straight with your head held high and looking straight ahead. Your face should be pointing forward and not to either side. Your expression should be neutral, no big grins or moody scowls!Baby Steps

Your shoulders should be relaxed and slightly back, but don’t stick your chest out too much. There should be no slouching or hunching of the shoulders.

When you begin to walk, your arms should swing naturally as you move, but you don’t need to swing them back and forth too much. If the outfit has pockets you may want to put your hands in them, but don’t tense your arms when you do so.

As you move, try to keep your body as still as possible and not move from side to side or bob up and down. Lead slightly with your hips rather than your chest, but don’t sashay dramatically.

Your feet is where you will want to focus most of your attention, as this is the most different from normal walking. When you walk the catwalk, imagine there is a line down the middle and you have to place your feet exactly on the line, not to either side of it. If you want a slightly more dramatic look, you may place your feet on the other side of the line, so they cross over each other. Be careful not to trip over your own ankles though!

Once you reach the end of the catwalk, it’s customary to strike a pose – now you can be as dramatic as you like. Jut your hips out to one side and then the other, placing your hands on your hips. If you’re wearing a jacket, you may want to slip it off and swing it over one shoulder for full effect.

Great, now you’re ready for the Milan or Pairs fashion shows!

If you’d like to find out how Neon Models can help you become a catwalk model, then register on our site.

Neon Models Guide to Becoming a Model

Lots of people want to become a model, but some are more successful than others. Neon Models explains the right steps to take to give yourself the best chance of finding success as a model.

Step One – Decide if you really want to be a modelTraveler Checking Watch

Think about the reasons for wanting to become a model, and though it might be hard, try to assess yourself realistically for model potential. Are you taller than average, do you have exceptionally clear skin and are you photogenic?

Step Two – do some research

Read up on the industry, what’s expected from you and what you can expect. Find out about the major modelling agencies, how they work, where they’re based and what their guidelines are like. You can also contact a modelling support company such as Neon Models, who can give you an independent assessment for modelling potential and help you put together an action plan.

Step Three – Make sure you have support

If you’re under eighteen, then you can’t be a model without your parent’s consent, so you need to discuss it with them, and make sure they’re on side. The chances are they’ll probably get as excited about the idea as you, and will help you on your way.

Step Four – Submit your photos to an agency

Read their guidelines carefully and make sure you follow them to the letter and don’t forget anything. Then you’ll have to wait to see what they say. It’s fine to submit to a few agencies at once, but only do as many as you’ll be able to take rejections. Rejection is part of life for a model, and no reason to give up too soon.

Step Five – Be professional

If you’re lucky enough to get invited in for an interview, then try to stay calm and just be yourself. If you’re under eighteen your guardian will need to go with you. Answer all the interviewers questions honestly, and try not to babble. If they offer you a contract then check it our carefully and read the small print. 

Love fashion and modelling? Visit our main site and Neon Models.

Modelling Posture

Posture is all about how you hold your body – whether you stand upright or slouch, hold your chin up or look down your nose, sit straight or lean to the side.Woman Stretching

Good posture is important for all people, because it can have a long term effect on your health – for example, sitting badly in front of a computer screen for years, or walking badly can weaken and wear down your bones and muscles at particular points. These physical problems may not become evident until it’s too late to easily solve it, and serious medical intervention needs to take place. In many cases, improving posture early could prevent this.

For models, posture is critical. Posture affects how you come across, how healthy you look and how your clothing is displayed. Posture is an all over body thing, it’s not simply about a high head and straight back – though that’s a good place to start!

Posture advice for models

Most people think posture just means standing up poker straight, stick your chest out and look straight ahead. But it’s not as simple as that.

Body balance

The first thing to check is whether your body is balanced and straight. Stand in front of a mirror, with a straight vertical indicator behind you, such as a pole or doorframe. Does your head lean slightly to one side? Are your shoulders even? If not, try to get everything even and see how it feels. The first step is becoming aware of your posture, and where there may be imbalances. Once you’ve indentified areas for improvement, you can start to make corrections.

Of course this doesn’t mean that when you’re working as a model, you’ll never pose at an angle – but a model should be a blank canvas, and any angles should be deliberate, not ingrained. This is particularly important for catwalk models.

Height and Lift

‘Stand up straight!’ Well, yes, good posture is about standing up straight – but people often strain to stand up straight by stretching their neck, arching their back and even going on tip toes. To get a real natural lift, and gain the most benefit of standing up straight, you need to think whole body. Start with your legs, make sure your standing foundation is firm, with an event weight on both feet. Legs should be straight but not locked. Them rather than focussing on the spine, think more about the chest. Take a deep breath and feel your body lift and tyour spine extend as you do so. Make sure your head is light on your neck, and isn’t leaning forward. Finally, ensure your chin is straight out (not up or down). Standing up straight in this way will give you natural even distribution of body weight and restore the natural curvature of the spine


One of the most common problems when attempting to improve posture, is that people get really tense and stiff – which is completely counter-productive. To combat this, give your arms and legs a shake out to make sure you’re not holding any tension, and take a few deep breaths. If you notice any particular areas of tension, focus on gently relaxing them. Another problem with tension is that it affects the balance and lift of your posture. For example, if one side of your neck has knots in it, your head will lean towards that side.

Modelling jobs are waiting for you!

Neon Models Advice for Male Models

In modern society, men are becoming more fashion conscious and more occupied with how they look, including grooming, clothing and accessories. This translates into more work for male models.

If you want to be a male model you should start out by taking some test shots to see how you come across photographically, and also to find out if you enjoy the experience. Some people clam or tense up when a camera is pointed at them, and you need to be able to look relaxed and calm even when a whole modelling shoot team is focussed on you.

As you would expect, male models are generally expected to be muscular, fit and toned. However, they should not be overly muscly, as the body builder’s physique has relatively limited appeal. The exception is male sports models, who tend to have very well defines bodies. As fashions change, there is more call for more slender males and even those with an androgynous look.

Male models need to have the right combination of body shape, stamina, resilience and the right attitude. Male models are usually aged between 18- 25, although there is call for younger and more mature models for certain products.


As with any modelling, if you want to make it as a male model, location is really important. You need to be where the studios, agencies and clients are and you need to be available to turn up to casting at short notice. In practise this means being based in London, preferably, but if that’s not possible, then being near any major city centre is a must.

Freelance modelling is becoming a more popular option, which means you can cut out the agency fees and keep more of your hard earned cash for yourself. However, freelance modelling does involve a lot more legwork and running the business side of being self-employed.

Most modelling agencies work with both male and female models, though generally they will have fewer male than female models on their books.

Click here to get modelling work!

Neon Models – model agency advice

As an aspiring model, you will see a bewildering array of information and misinformation on the Internet, and trying to find the genuine agencies can be difficult.

No modelling agency should ever charge you an upfront fee to sign you to their books.

Neon Models is not a modelling agency, but can help you launch your modelling career.

Neon Models can assess you for potential as a model, give advice and help you take your first steps when approaching modelling agencies and looking for modelling work. No modelling work can be guaranteed – and nobody will promise you success – it’s simply impossible.

Neon Models can help you become a model, but only if you’ve got the potential in yourself, and we cannot directly get you modelling work.

Neon Models Free Shoot

If you are accepted by the Neon Models team, then you will be invited to a free photo shoot at an associated studio based in the heart of London.

The photo shoot itself is completely free, you receive time with a professional photographer with top quality hardware, in a purpose built studio with makeup artists and stylists on hand.

At the end of the shoot you will be able to view your pictures and you’ll be asked if you would like to purchase them – but of course it is completely within your rights to walk away and not part with a penny.

Neon Models – standard £50 deposit

If you accept your free photo shoot, then you will be asked to pay a £50 deposit. This deposit is to cover the expenses of the studio in the unfortunate event that you don’t turn up. Unfortunately, some people think it’s fine to book a place at a studio and then not bother to show up and not bother to cancel.

Running a studio has a lot of associated costs, including rent, electricity and payment of wages. The main purpose of the deposit is to discourage timewasters who have no intention of turning up in the first place, but it goes some way to recouping lost outgoings as well.

Having a fully refundable deposit is absolutely standard practice for any photographic studio.

Launch your modelling career!