Neon Models – Top Modelling Mistakes

Neon Models has been in the industry long enough to see pretty much all of the mistakes new models make, many of them hundreds of times over. Read on to find out what the top new model mistakes are and how you can avoid them!

If you want a helping hand as you launch your modelling career, then register on the Neon Models website.

Being unprofessional

Some aspiring models have the impression that modelling is a quick way to make a bit of easy money and you just have to stand around and pout. But there’s a lot more to the profession than that, and that includes knowing how to deal with client and understanding contracts and your rights.beautiful business woman's face

Being over confident

We’ve seen plenty of people with unprofessional expectations, who think the world owes them a modelling career on a plate. These people may be quite attractive and have friends and family who have fed their egos, saying that they are much prettier than loads of the models on the front of the glossy magazines.

But however perfect you are to be a model, it’s important to be humble and have realistic expectations, Even if you’re stunning in normal life, once you enter the industry, you’ll be surrounded by stunning people at all times. Having a good attitude, being grateful for any help and opportunities you get will get you a long way in modelling – as well as life.

Being under confident

One the other hand, it’s no good have thin skin and getting upset every time there’s a little rejection, or feeling that you haven’t got what it takes – that’s the quickest way to make that prediction come true!

Models need to be confident and outgoing, as they are always in new situations, working with different people. Networking is also a useful part of building a successful modelling career, so it’s not really a great job for wall flowers.

For more advice on avoiding the pitfalls of modelling, visit the Neon Models website.

Teen Modelling

There is always a lot of demand for new teen models as the current ones get older and move into the adult brackets. The teen model bracket is usually considered to be between the ages of 12 and 17 years.

Teen modelling work is available across all kinds of formats from glossy magazines to billboards to TV adverts to catalogues and these days even stock photography for websites.Asian, Latino, African American teen girl portrait

The teen  market is a very major section which companies are keen to target, and each ‘type’ of teen needs to be represented. That means that as well as the standard modelling work for attractive, fresh faced, tall models there will be work for petite models, plus-size models and alternative models, who may have tattoos or be more unusual looking.

Many child models follow a natural progression into teen models, but also lots of teenagers decide they’d like to try modelling and take their first steps in the industry at this time.

Teenagers who are considering trying to become a model need to make sure they have the right attitude and realistic expectations.

The Right Attitude

Not all teenagers fit the stereotype of being grumpy and stroppy, but there is definitely no space for that kind of attitude when it comes to modelling. Modelling is a professional and requires a professional attitude. Paying clients are not going to be willing to waste their time with temper tantrums.

Realistic expectations

The modelling industry is tough and very competitive and those who think they can just fall into it and make pots of money have got disappointment waiting down the line. Aspiring models need to be willing to invest time and energy in getting their foot in the door, and they have to be thicked skinned to deal with the inevitable early rejections.

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Modelling Agency Contracts

A contract with a modelling agency seems like the holy grail for aspiring models, but unfortunately, too many models rush in too eagerly, and only find out what they’ve agreed to later.

Pressure to Sign a Modelling Agency Contract

beautiful business woman's face

Modelling Agency contracts are often very long and filled with legalise, and can be very daunting for anyone who’s not a lawyer, let alone someone who may be very young and inexperienced with contracts.

The contract will often be presented as a ‘take it or leave it’ offer, and the modelling agency may even pressure the model to sign it on the spot, saying that the offer will be off the table if the model doesn’t make up her or his mind right away.

But a new model should resist this pressure. If possible, take the contract away and genuinely try to read it, not matter how difficult it may seem. It may even be worth paying for the services of a lawyer to check it over. And, if there are any clauses that the model isn’t happy with, she can ask for the contract to be amended.

What will the Modelling Agency Offer

A modelling agency contract will never guarantee you work, and in most cases, it will be heavily biased in favour of the agency, offering you very little. This is normal and is simply there to legally cover the modelling agency. After all, they can’t guarantee you work, as you must complete with other models and it’s the clients who make the final decision. It’s in the modelling agency’s interests to promise very little and then overdeliver. Otherwise, if they have any written commitments to get work for models, if it’s not possible, the model will come complaining to them. This doesn’t mean that the modelling agency isn’t going to try their hardest to find work for you, just that it can’t be guaranteed.

Exclusive Vs Non Exclusive Modelling Contracts

Contracts should be very clear about what level of exclusivity is required. The modelling agency may only require the model to be exclusive within a particular region or country, or it may be worldwide. The larger the modelling agency and the more time and effort they are intending to invest in launching the model’s career, the more likely they are to have high exclusivity requirements.

Length of Modelling Contracts

Modelling contracts can range from one year to five years and they may be fixed, or it may be possible to cancel them from either side before the time period is up. Whether it’s good to have a long or short contract depends on the relationship between the modelling agency and model, and how hard each are working for the other.

Read more how to join Modelling Agency! or Visit Neon Models on Facebook!

Neon Models #5 Tips for a successful photoshoot

Here is the Neon Models guide to a make the most out of a photoshoot – follow these simple rules to great some great pictures from your portfolio!

Try not to be Tense

A lot of people instinctively hold their breath as soon as a camera looks at them, but this is a bad idea, because it makes you look stiff! Try to breathe naturally – it gets easier once you get over the initial nerves.

Don’t be afraid to Be ExperimentalWoman Smiling

Your photographer will probably give you some guidance about where she wants you to stand, which way to face, how to hold yourself and that kind of thing, but it’s a good idea to have some kind of creative input. At Neon Models, we aren’t afraid to experiment with having your hands in different positions, with different expressions and looking at the camera from different angles.

Try using different Props

Props are a great way to add interest to a photo, and you should try interacting with your props in different ways. If it’s a teddy bear you can cuddle up to it or lift it up to the light, flowers could be smelled, held in the teeth or even tucked behind your ear. The more different things you try, the more likely you are to get that perfect, unique shot.

Listen to the Photographer’s advice and guidance

Chances are, the photographer has done this loads of times before, especially at Neon Models, so you should listen to her advice and instruction carefully and do your best to follow them.

Really try to relax and have fun!

The best advice of all if to try to relax and have fun! If you’re enjoying yourself and smiling and laughing naturally, it will come across in the images. You might want to try some techniques to help yourself relax, such as shaking out your body to get rid of tension, taking a few deep breaths and looking at things that make you laugh. Neon Models are experts at helping you relax and stay calm during a shoot. You could even try the old classic technique of imagining everyone around you naked!
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